the almost stories
This collection of short fiction delves into relationships with poignant insights, illuminating realities of living, dying, and innocence set in an idyllic world that can change quickly to become harsh and sad. In these “Almost Stories,” characters struggle with life against seemingly impossible odds. They do not always win, but they do not give up.
"Whether Dorothy Barnett is contemplating a father's indiscretions, sidestepping unpleasant youthful losses, or navigating scenes of a ten-year-old at a domino game free-for-all, her storytelling is the next best thing to living it. Her descriptions of bittersweet losses were enough to jog my own memories about the past. I read these fifteen stories (almost fiction and almost fact, as Ms. Barnett calls them) in one sitting ending at four o'clock in the morning. They are a wonderful teaser for what I hope will be many more stories to come. A must-read book!"
--Diane Wilson, author of An Unreasonable Woman and Holy Roller
by Dorothy Ellis Barnett
ISBN: 978-1943306121